Sunday, January 9, 2011

Singing In Church

My favorite day of the week is Sunday. There's nothing better than getting spiritually recharged to deal with the upcoming work week. I'm not kidding, sometimes by the time Friday night hits, I feel like I need a Holy Spirit shower. My especially favorite Sundays are the one's in which my quartet group gets to sing. I thought I'd share a little bit.

I'm afraid it's a short post post today. I'm very tired, and I have yet to pray. I'm feeling God in my life more and more every day. I feel connected to Him more than I have in many years. My family is healthy, and I am very blessed.

In the news this week were the reports of Coptic Christians in the Middle East being persecuted, and a Congresswoman from Arizona being gunned down. The world is fallen, and people are desperate. There is a lot to pray for tonight. Much Love.