Monday, March 14, 2011

Travelling For Work

I've been all over North Carolina the past couple days. I find I have to take the Word with me when I travel. It's easy to get lonely and depressed when you miss your family. When I'm lonely, depressed and tired, I tend to want to resort to my old and bad habits. But when I have the Word, I can usually dive in and read for an hour before going to sleep. There is something very powerful about language. Jesus was called the Word. Every word we bring to our lips becomes a living thing, to minister or destroy. 

On Wednesday, I'll be doing an online Lenten study of Luke. I'm excited about it, because I felt like I've needed something to focus on during Lent. I really want to examine my faith during this time. I've been eating vegetarian since Lent started. I've only slipped up once while on the road tro court in the outer banks. My schedule has been so nuts that my prayer time and Bible study time has been sporadic. I hate being out of my routine and comfort zone...

We have week two of the Reason For God study on Wednesday night. It'll be interesting to see how much attrition we suffer after the week off for Ash Wednesday.

Well, just a little update. I'm in Charlotte tonight for a domestic violence hearing tomorrow. Much Love.

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